

俄亥俄州的正式成立可以追溯到1803年, 但人类在俄亥俄州居住的历史要久远得多, back to the first peoples and first settlers who helped shape the state we know today.

俄亥俄州文理学院的教授们, Timothy G. 安德森 and 布莱恩Schoen, have worked to present the rich early history of Ohio through a newly edited book titled, “定居俄亥俄州:第一民族及其他民族,”bet8九州登录入口出版社.

The book is a collection of essays with a foreword by President Emeritus and Trustee Professor of Geography Dr. M. Duane Nellis and an afterword by Chief Glenna Wallace of the Eastern Shawnee tribe. 它包括许多学者的章节, 历史学家, geographers and more that outline how difficult and contingent early national politics and frontier development in Ohio could be.

“This book provides a more comprehensive view of the multiple dimensions of ‘settlement,” which began not with the first European Americans but perhaps as early as ten thousand years ago toward the end of continental glaciation,内利斯在书的前言中说.

7月15日, both 安德森 and Schoen will present “Settling Ohio” at the Columbus Book Festival, 讨论最早居住在俄亥俄河谷地区的人, 他们如何建立文明, 建立贸易网络,引导战争, 并试图保护他们的身份和土地. 在他们的演讲之后, they will also travel to northern Ohio to present at Lakeside and Case Western Reserve University.

Timothy G. 安德森
Timothy G. 安德森

“‘Settling Ohio’ depicts the often-forgotten history of multiple non-white populations displaced by the processes of settler colonialism that has often been undervalued in both the teaching and study of the past,安德森说,副教授 地理位置.

这本书以介绍第一批居住在这个地区的人开始, 强调如何, 在18世纪, Native Americans who migrated from the east and north interacted with Europeans to develop impressive trading networks in Ohio.

Many people are familiar with the story of Ohio settlement that focuses on the Northwest Ordinance, the dealings of the Ohio Company of Associates and early transportation networks, however, “Settling Ohio” weaves these historical milestones into a far richer story of contested spaces, competing visions of nationhood and complicated relations with Indigenous peoples.

“The book was created to be almost an addition to David McCullough’s popular book ‘The Pioneers,这本书让我们看到了俄亥俄州早期的定居点,舍恩说, 副教授、 历史 Department chair and the James Richard Hamilton/Baker and Hostetler Professor of the Charles J. 平人文学院. “We wanted to ensure that we were providing a more complete picture of who first settled Ohio and depict the multiple other populations who shaped the state and region’s political, 社会文化景观.”

根据舍恩的说法, 麦卡洛的书出版的时候, 围绕这个话题有很多讨论, and he and 安德森 thought it could be helpful to host an event at OHIO that broadened the scope of the book. 在 中部区域人文中心 和俄亥俄州东南部历史中心,舍恩和安德森主持了 俄亥俄州和解会议 在2020年2月,包括俄亥俄学生在内的近300人, staff, faculty, 校友和社区成员纷纷出来了解更多.


“The energy we saw from the speakers and the broader public when discussing these topics was exciting,舍恩说. “人们对这个话题真的很感兴趣, 就在那时,我们想, ‘what if these speakers could write down this information to make it accessible to everyone?这就是最终导致这本书诞生的原因.”


bet8九州登录入口的 约瑟夫金格里奇,副教授 人类学, 主持会议并撰写了书的第一章, “真正的拓荒者:俄亥俄州史前印第安人的简要概述”.”

除了安德森, Schoen, 金格里奇和华莱士局长, 这本书的作者包括约翰·比克斯, assistant professor of history at Case Western Reserve University and a citizen of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma; Anna-Lisa Cox, non-resident fellow at Harvard University’s Hutchins Center for African and African American 研究; Kim Gruenwald,副教授 history at Kent State University; William Hunter, a historian and geographer for the National Park Service; William Kerrigan, professor of history at Muskingum University; Adam Nelson, senior associate dean in the School of Education and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Educational Policy Studies and 历史 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jessica Choppin Roney,副教授 history at Temple University; Joseph Ross, an independent scholar and bet8九州登录入口 graduate of the 历史 graduate program; and Cameron Shriver, research associate at the Myaamia Center and visiting assistant professor of history at Miami University.

“书中出现了许多主题, but another part that people find fascinating is the family connections that brought people to Ohio and the genealogical geology of a place,安德森解释道. “土著人和欧洲人都有, as well as Anglo Americans and African Americans all settled into different regions. 因为人的流动, 某些地区在文化和政治上的构成差异很大.”

The chapters in the book range on various topics like the role of apple-growing culture and Johnny Appleseed, 教育, African American settlers and the diverse migration flows into Ohio from the East and Europe further demonstrate the complex, multiethnic composition of Ohio’s early settlements and the tensions that resulted. Other pieces reexamine the context for well-known documents and political dynamics, including bold new ways of thinking about the Northwest Ordinance and the often chaotic white settlement of the Ohio Territory.

“For me, Chief Wallace’s part of the book is what resonates the most,” 安德森 said. “Her chapter feels like a stream of consciousness from the heart about the ideas of memory and how oral history goes back generations. 我知道印第安人在俄亥俄州创造了各种各样的景观, but there is something about how she presents the impact and voices of those who have been marginalized to the forefront in this narrative. She tells her life story and really weaves the history of the Shawnee people in Ohio in this book.”

“As 历史学家, there’s a fear that sometimes history can be presented in a one-dimensional way. 你可以分辨出胜利或失败的一面, 一群人战胜另一群人的历史, 但历史不是零和游戏. What we aim to do is provide readers with a more complete three-dimensional view of the diverse players involved and the complicated history that unfolded in early Ohio,舍恩说.

Watch Chief Glenna Wallace and other speakers from the 俄亥俄州和解会议.

更多信息请见“俄亥俄州的第一批人文主义者:从土墩建筑到现代声音的印第安人,bet8九州登录入口(bet8九州登录入口)的查尔斯. 平人文学院, 雅典艺术学院, 公园及康乐, 以及雅典县公共图书馆. 
