A student holds balloons at the Homecoming Parade.
Student 新闻 Bureau

Student 新闻 Bureau

Bobcat Storytellers

Introducing the Student 新闻 Bureau (SNB), a team of talented 俄亥俄州 students tasked with creating dynamic, engaging content about the University community. 特别注重讲故事的无与伦比的bet8九州登录入口学生的经验, 瑞士国家银行由具有广泛学术兴趣和专业的本科生和研究生组成. 与屡获殊荣的大学传播与营销部门的领导和主题专家合作, the SNB team turns out professional-caliber work for distribution on 俄亥俄州的新闻 and across the University’s digital platforms.  


Getting the Story

SNB成员有权探索新闻写作以外领域的技能发展, a practice which results in a fresh and engaging range of digital content. With UCM’s resources and mentors in their corner, 学生们可以深入研究作业,发现使他们的俄亥俄故事栩栩如生的独特元素.

A student works in the Scripps Podcast lab.

Meet the Bureau

Digital Specialist

莉莉·亚当斯(莉莉亚当斯)是媒体艺术制作专业高三学生, working on minors in interdisciplinary arts and marketing. Lily was born and raised in Cincinnati, 俄亥俄州, and currently resides in a small town called New Richmond.

This year is Lily’s first year with the Student 新闻 Bureau. 她的加入是为了帮助团队实现营销目标,并学习讲故事的过程. 她喜欢创造有利于他人的内容,这些内容是信息性的或传记性的. Lily希望她能在与团队合作的过程中获得研究和讲故事的技能.


郭“李”迪奥是斯克里普斯学院视觉传达专业商业摄影专业硕士生的最后一年. The versatile creative artist was born and bred in Ghana, West Africa. 
Kweku has always been passionate about storytelling, 加入学生新闻局让他磨练了自己的新闻技能,记录了发生在俄亥俄州校园里的有趣故事. 
He likes to write about the creative arts and the collective impact groups, 俱乐部, and societies have on humanity with their gifts and talents. His favorite published pieces since joining the Bureau have been:

Since joining the Student 新闻 Bureau, Kweku has improved his interview skills and journalism writing abilities, 接受不同的故事,根据故事的基调和经历,以不同的形式呈现. 他在瑞士央行最喜欢的部分是遇到了不起的人,并讲述他们的故事.  

Henry Gorsuch

Henry Gorsuch is a junior from Columbus, 俄亥俄州, majoring in journalism strategic communications and minoring in marketing. 他想加入学生新闻局,以建立自己的写作组合,并获得现实世界的新闻经验. Henry最喜欢写的主题是诸如音乐产业峰会之类的事件,或者是那些对世界产生影响的学生和教师的特写. 一旦开始,他就会兴奋地提高自己在美联社风格的采访和编辑方面的技能. 

Senior 作家
Acadia Hansen

阿卡迪亚·汉森是荣誉辅导班英语专业的大三学生. She is from Grafton, 俄亥俄州. 

而阿卡迪亚主要是一个有创造力的作家,对创作小说作品感兴趣, 她于2023年8月加入学生新闻局,学习新闻写作. 从那时起, she has developed a passion for writing about the 雅典 community, 健康, and educational programs within the school. 自加入学生新闻社以来,她最喜欢的作品是: 

学生新闻局告诉阿卡迪亚,写作作为一种职业是很有可能的. In her time with them, 她已经学会了新闻写作的步骤,以及如何安排和进行采访. 她在学生新闻局最喜欢的时刻是与同事和她的导师交谈,并更多地了解雅典社区. 

Digital Specialist
Logan Jeffries

Logan Jeffries is a senior from North Canton, 在俄亥俄州学习媒体制作,辅修市场营销并获得社交媒体证书. 



Once he starts, 他想在做播客的同时提高自己的音频制作和编辑技能. 他还希望更多地了解如何与一个团队一起头脑风暴,想出新的、引人入胜的想法,并将其执行到全长播客剧集中.

Digital Specialist
Isabellia Moyers-Chavez

Isabellia Moyers-Chavez是一名三年级本科生,主修新闻战略传播.W. Scripps School of Journalism. Isabellia来自德克萨斯州的达拉斯,她一生中的大部分时间都在俄亥俄州的坎顿度过.

伊莎贝拉一直热衷于探索各种沟通方式. Joining the Student 新闻 Bureau was a natural choice for her, 因为它提供了丰富的机会,完善她的手艺,同时获得新的技能. 她在局里获得的实践经验对她的职业发展是无价的.

Isabellia particularly enjoys covering success stories of her peers who, 喜欢她, are navigating their career paths. 她认为,突出这些故事有助于向其他学生传达他们在学术旅程中并不孤单. Her favorite publication since joining the Bureau is:

Since joining the Student 新闻 Bureau, Isabellia has significantly improved her post-production skills, honed her interviewing techniques, and gained a comprehensive understanding of webpage editing. 她把自己的成长很大程度上归功于支持和合作的环境. 局内的团队合作和同志情谊使它更像是一个紧密结合的社区,而不仅仅是一个工作场所. 

Emma Stevenson

艾玛·史蒂文森是斯克里普斯传播学院视觉传播bet8网页登录摄影专业的大二本科生. She is a photographer from Hilliard, 俄亥俄州.

艾玛想在学生新闻局工作,因为她对新闻摄影和跟踪故事充满热情. It will also help her learn from her peers and grow a great portfolio.

She likes to create images from venues with local bands, or even bigger bands. Emma also likes to create images about breaking news happening at the moment. Once she starts at the Student 新闻 Bureau, 艾玛想要培养更好的写作技巧,更多地了解新闻环境的内部运作. 

  • Interested in Joining the Student 新闻 Bureau?

    如果你对学生新闻局有任何疑问,或者你想了解更多关于加入的信息, contact Sarah Logue, director of the 俄亥俄州 Student 新闻 Bureau.