
How Roberto Lemus followed a lifelong “love of the game” into a leadership role with 雅典’ favorite community-owned and student-operated baseball team

郭库·迪奥,硕士[25] 2024年7月17日


赛后棒球场上的烟火. 万无一失的德比. 负担得起的票. 每局之间的儿童友好活动. If you’ve attended a Copperheads baseball game, you’re sure to recognize these things and more. 

自2002年以来, the 南部 Ohio Copperheads have been a focal point of summer entertainment in 雅典, 为家庭提供了一个享受美式娱乐的机会. The collegiate summer baseball team is community-owned and student-operated, offering OHIO students and students from nearby colleges and universities interested in pursuing a career in the sports and entertainment industry an end-to-end internship experience.  


The 南部 Ohio Copperheads team is part of the Great Lakes Summer Collegiate League (GLSCL). The team came into existence in the spring of 2002 and won the GLSCL Championship in 2018.

可以说比冠军更重要, 虽然, the Copperheads have won over the hearts of the people of Southeast Ohio, 结合可负担得起的, 适合家庭的娱乐与伟大的棒球. 该组织以社区为中心,以学生为中心, striving to create incredible memories at the ballpark for all of Southeast Ohio.  

我们采访了罗伯托·莱姆斯, 铜头乐队的现任总经理, to have a conversation about his experience with the team and what makes the Copperheads experience so special.  

Roberto Lemus poses for a portrait wearing an oranger Copperheads polo shirt

作为总经理, Roberto Lemus says he's gained experience managing "almost every aspect of the team."

Q & A和Roberto Lemus

Q: 罗伯特·莱姆斯是谁?

A: I am an international student from Guatemala and a senior studying sports management with minors in Finance, 业务分析, 并通过Schey销售中心获得销售证书, 秋季毕业. I came here because of my passion for baseball and my interest in working in the sports industry. 俄亥俄州拥有世界上最好的体育管理项目之一. 我非常喜欢学习, 所以我加入铜头乐队有一段时间了, taking on leadership and management experiences to understand what goes into sports management and what goes into the various facets. 

Q: 你是什么时候开始从事体育运动的?

A: 我来自一个棒球家庭. My grandfather and father were fans, so I was born with a passion and love for the game. 我四岁的时候就开始和我哥哥一起玩了. 我在高中的时候就喜欢上了足球, 但当我来到俄亥俄州开始和铜头乐队合作时, 它勾起了我小时候和家人的回忆.

Q: 你对棒球有多热情?

A: 成为一名职业棒球运动员是我的梦想. I wanted to become the first-ever Guatemalan player in Major League Baseball. 我努力工作去追求它, but I quickly realized that the country didn’t have as many opportunities for people who wanted to become professional athletes. The sports industry allowed me to live out my dream of still being a part of baseball. 

Q: 你最喜欢棒球的什么?

A: 棒球感觉像是一项面向家庭的运动. 不像其他运动, 哪里的团队和游戏更受关注, baseball is a medium for families and friends to spend time together and enjoy the summer. It’s a sport which creates a space where people can go out and enjoy themselves.

Q: 你以前和任何运动队或球队合作过吗?

A: I have been gracious enough to receive opportunities to work with some sports teams and organizations. 我参与了莱德杯、肯塔基赛马和俾斯麦云雀赛. Working with Bismarck Larks was the turning point for me because I realized even 虽然 I enjoyed those other sporting experiences, 我仍然喜欢棒球,想在棒球队工作. The current owner of the Bismarck Larks was once a Copperhead general manager, 他推荐了与铜头蛇合作的想法.

Q: 到目前为止,你在铜头乐队的工作经历是什么?

A: Having worked with the Copperheads for two years, I would say it’s been impactful. It has offered a hands-on approach and experience to managing the team from top to bottom since the students manage almost every aspect of the team. 这段经历至关重要,我学到了很多. The other thing is how it’s allowed us to connect with the community of 雅典, and I’ve been able to appreciate just how much the Copperheads mean to the community.

Q: What role do you play, what are your responsibilities, and what does it entail?

A: In my first year, I was the director of sponsorships, handling the team meals after games. We would partner with various food establishments to get the team a variety of food. 目前, I am the general manager overseeing twelve other students and the day-to-day activities and operations of the team. My first year gave me a lot of experience that has been essential in my approach to being a general manager and how I’ve been able to teach other students and support them in their journeys with the Copperheads.

Q: 作为一个团队,铜头蛇代表什么?  

A: I think the Copperheads are a bit different as an organization in that we are a part of the greater 雅典 community. 人们将这个团队视为自己的团队. 因为有这样的支持, 自从铜头蛇诞生以来, we have successfully maintained our $5 ticket prices so that our games are easily accessible to the 雅典 community and very family-friendly. 除了我们的18场主场比赛, 我们每年还组织30多个社区活动, 包括举办青少年棒球和垒球诊所, 孩子们的本垒打德比, 电影之夜, 和球员们一起消磨时光, 并为当地学校建了一个操场. 

Q: What have been your most memorable moments working with the Copperheads? 

A: 本垒打德比. When I was a kid, we had a home run derby tournament for kids that I won. 这可能是我童年棒球生涯中最珍贵的记忆. 所以当我们在做社区活动的时候, 以我的经历, I wanted to create a space for the kids here to experience something similar. 门票是免费的,孩子们很享受其中的每一刻. 

Q: What would you say to anyone interested in working with the Copperheads over the summer? 

A: 这并不容易. 但这是值得的. 不像其他实习, the Copperhead experience thrives on having goals and being able to deliver at the end of the day. It’s one great team bonding experience I’ve had because I’ve made friends for life working with the Copperheads. Because it isn’t just about the team but also about how much faith the community has in the team. I think it spurs you on to do more, not just for yourself but for other people as well. 这也是为进入体育行业做准备的一步. At the same time, you get to experience the 雅典 community in the summer.