University Community

Sustainability Award winners announced

bet8九州登录入口一年一度的地球日庆祝活动包括表彰上一学年的可持续发展奖得主.  The Sustainability Awards are given to individuals, 由同行提名的对校园和当地社区有贡献的部门和组织.  今年,一些杰出的学生、教职员工和社区成员获得了奖项.

Faculty Sustainability Award 

教师可持续发展奖颁发给bet8九州登录入口的教师,他们通过与可持续发展相关的教学为他或她的领域做出了模范贡献, research, scholarship or service.  

The 2024 award recognizes Dr. Geoff Dabelko沃伊诺维奇领导与公共服务学院教授. Dabelko teaches and conducts research on the environment, peacebuilding, and security; global environmental politics; climate change and security; and environmental leadership. 他目前的研究重点是应对气候变化和环境建设和平的冲突与建设和平潜力.  

Dabelko因在推进bet8九州登录入口可持续发展和气候行动计划的目标方面发挥了突出作用而获得多项提名, 同时提升可持续发展规划对学生和更广泛社区的重要性和紧迫性.  

他的一项提名说他“是俄亥俄州可持续发展领域最著名的名字,因为他在第五次国家气候评估和政府间气候变化专门委员会第五次评估中所做的工作, and his many contributions to international reports, 关于环境之间复杂联系的会议和演讲, climate, conflict, peacebuilding, and security.”

Student Sustainability Leaders Award


This year’s award is presented to the Student Senate Environmental Affairs Commission 表彰他们通过环境峰会促进可持续发展的努力, tabling, 校园农贸市场和生态节,将学生与校园组织联系起来.

One of their nominators remarked:

“我亲眼目睹了这群人对bet8九州登录入口更可持续发展的热情和热情. They are always tabling, 提供资料袋,让学生学习更多有关堆肥的知识, recycling, and sustainable period products. 环境委员会的一些成员还管理着可持续发展网络. Their commitment is unmatched, 我想不出还有谁比这群了不起的人更值得拥有.”

Staff Sustainability Advocate Award


The 2024 award recognizes Gem Stone, design and construction project manager within Facilities Management and Safety.

As a project manager, 斯通在校园新建和改造项目中领导项目设计团队, 因此对大学项目的可持续性有重大影响. As her nomination noted:

“Luckily for Ohio University, Gem明白可持续设计在建筑项目中的重要性(例如.e. site design, energy, water, waste, and ventilation system design), 她引导设计专业人士设计最好的三重底线轮廓. Over the past several years, Gem has advanced goals in the Buildings, Energy, Water, Waste, 俄亥俄州可持续发展和气候行动计划的土地和采购部分.”

Exemplary Sustainability Department Award


This year’s award is presented to the Sustainability Film Series, and in particular Lorraine Wochna and Loraine McCosker,感谢他们对这一长期的校园和社区倡议的领导.  Their multiple nominations noted:

“Loraine and Lorraine collaborated to create and facilitate the Sustainability Film Series. Based on their commitment to sustainability, 他们设想这个系列电影是一种将社区成员聚集在一起的方式, students, 和教职员工进行深思熟虑的讨论,并通过与电影相关的小组讨论在屏幕上曝光. Through the many years the series has been running, 数百人聚集在雅典娜参与其中, discuss, and learn about sustainability.”

“十多年来,Loraine McCosker和Lorraine wochina的愿景为bet8九州登录入口带来了基于解决方案的编程. They have worked to make the series free for all attendees. 该系列得到了大学图书馆创新与合作伙伴关系的认可,以促进学术卓越, 创新的程序设计和整个大学的教学.”

Community Sustainability Recognition

And finally, 每年,bet8九州登录入口可持续发展办公室都会向参与社区可持续发展项目的社区成员或组织颁发社区可持续发展奖.

This year’s Community Sustainability Recognition is awarded to the Athens County Senior Fair Board 表彰它在支持从垃圾填埋场转移材料并将其捐赠给社区成员方面所做的重要努力.

From their nomination:

“For more than 30 years, members of the Fair Board have volunteered to collect, sort, and organize, then give away the mountains of food, clothing, 在搬出去的周末从宿舍搬出来的床上用品和家庭用品. 这项巨大的努力将这些物品重新分配出去,以满足社区的需求. 协调搬离活动的公平委员会现任和前任成员包括:里德和胡安妮塔·哈特, Paula and Bruce Carpenter, Larry 'Buggs' and Maryann Stalder, Lester and Betty Green, Ron and Wanda Llewellyn, Carlos and Joyce Nicholson, and Kathy and Charles Llewellyn.”

多年来,许多其他组织和志愿者也参与了这种再分配, including the Golden Gaits 4-H club, the Junior Fair Board, ReUse, New 2U, Faith Believer’s Ministry Church in New Marshfield, Friends and Neighbors of Lottridge, ReStore, AOZWI, and the ABLE Lab in Chauncey.

雅典县高级博览会委员会是展示循环经济组织如何促进社区参与和社会平等的领导者, environmental sustainability, and economic growth, 是“社区可持续发展嘉许奖”的当之无愧的得奖者.

May 22, 2024
Sam Crowl