

雅典娜电影院很高兴地宣布其非常成功的电影系列的回归, 《来自丘陵和山谷:阿巴拉契亚的故事.去年推出, the intention of the series is to promote films that seek to encapsulate the many facets of Appalachian culture and present them to a wider audience. 今年的电影将展示经典故事片, 以及由屡获殊荣的独立制片人制作的当代纪录片. 另外, 按照去年系列节目的格式, screenings of each of this year’s films will be accompanied by introductions and question and answer sessions by OHIO faculty, 当地的名人, 还有一些电影制作人自己.

"Last year went so well that we decided to bring the series back this year with a new focus on labor. The films that we selected this year represent a diverse array of experiences in the region and include two filmmakers this spring who are coming to 雅典 to introduce their films themselves,” Dr. 蒂芙尼阿诺德, assistant professor of instruction in the 卫生科学与职业学院 who coordinates the 阿巴拉契亚研究本科和研究生证书.

该剧将从2023年秋季开播到2024年冬季, with the first three film screenings slated to take place at The Ridges Auditorium and the remainder at the 雅典娜电影 - tentative upon building repairs. Both the 雅典 community and the students and staff of bet8九州登录入口 are all invited and encouraged to partake in this homage to life in one of America’s most unique regions.


第一个是“煤王”," a poignant and poetic documentary from award-winning filmmaker Elaine McMillion Sheldon that was premiered earlier this year at the Sundance Film Festival. 充满了动人的摄影和沉思的叙述, the movie explores the intricacies of coal’s complicated legacy in Central Appalachia and the impacts this legacy will have on future generations. 麦克米伦·谢尔登因之前的两部电影《海洛因(e)》和《bet8九州登录入口》而闻名,这两部电影都是Netflix上广受好评的节目. 麦克米伦·谢耳朵将会出席煤炭王” 介绍这部电影,并与观众进行讨论.

第二部值得关注的电影将是导演兼活动家西尔维娅·瑞尔森的《官方网站》. The film details Ryerson’s role in creating and facilitating a popular radio call-in show whereby family and friends of inmates can send messages and words of encouragement to their loved ones serving prison sentences in Central Appalachia. 瑞尔森将亲自宣传这部电影,并回答观众的问题.

"This is a great opportunity to get your students engaged in thinking about the region and all that went into making it what it is today,阿诺德补充道。, noting that short introductions and lectures will provide context for each film and introduce the underlying issues. “这批电影是, 很大程度上, 电影制作人对生活在这种环境中有着深入的了解, 结果是, 适合在大银幕上表现阿巴拉契亚的现实吗."

The 《来自丘陵和山谷:阿巴拉契亚的故事” film series will be shown with free admission and is proudly sponsored by the 卫生科学与职业学院, 文理学院的社会与人类学系, 俄亥俄荣誉计划, 校园和社区参与中心, 雅典县公共图书馆, 大学图书馆, 去当地的, 大学学院, 法律中心, 正义, & 文化和俄亥俄州艺术委员会.



星期四,9月. 14, 7 p.m.,“美国哈兰县”

Barbara Koppel’s Oscar-winning 1976 documentary takes viewers from the heart of Harlan County, Kentucky to the front doors of the New York Stock Exchange as she captures on film the lives of coal miners engaged in a strike against the Duke Power Company in 1973. The film is a powerful and emotional exposé of workers standing up to industry to petition for better treatment, 用罢工者自己的话说. 杰克·赖特将出席放映会, bet8九州登录入口电影学院退休教授, to share his wealth of knowledge about the history and culture of the coal mining communities that comprise the Appalachian Mountains region. 这次放映将在山脊礼堂举行.

周四,10月. 12, 7 p.m.“塔克和戴尔vs .. 邪恶”

恐怖和黑色喜剧各占一半, 伊莱·克雷格2010年的故事片以塔克和戴尔为中心, two well-meaning West Virginia hillbillies who venture into the woods to enjoy some downtime. 在附近的小屋, a group of citified college kids engaged in a similar pursuit mysteriously lose track of one of their friends and begin to suspect foul play on the part of their redneck neighbors. 随着故事发展到结尾,事情变得奇怪、狂野、可悲地失控. Dr. Arnold will be present to discuss the common ways Appalachian culture appears in horror films and how “Tucker and Dale vs. “邪恶”有助于或抵消这种叙述. 这次放映将在山脊礼堂举行.

星期四,11月. 9, 7 p.m.“Matewan”

在西弗吉尼亚州的煤炭之乡拍摄, Matewan takes the audience inside the gritty world of labor union organizing during the early part of the 20th century. 改编自1920年发生在“血腥明戈”县的真实事件, John Sayles’ critically-acclaimed film follows the efforts of union organizer Joe Kenehan (Chris Cooper) and Scab 'Few Clothes Johnson (James Earl Jones) who join forces with the local mayor and police chief to push back against the bosses, 雇佣暴徒, and spies of the Stone Mountain Coal Company who threaten to break a strike initiated by the town’s coal miners to petition the company for fair treatment, 安全工作条件, 工人的权利. Shawnee State University Assistant Professor Christy Zempter 会介绍这部电影吗. 这次放映将在山脊礼堂举行.


星期四,2月. 8, 7 p.m.《煤炭之王》

一个地方和人民的抒情挂毯, 这部纪录片对煤炭行业复杂的历史和未来进行了思考, 它塑造的社区, 以及它所创造的神话. Oscar-nominated filmmaker Elaine McMillion Sheldon reshapes the boundaries of the genre in a spectacularly beautiful and deeply moving immersion into Central Appalachia, 煤炭不只是一种资源吗, 而是一种生活方式. 虽然深深扎根于煤王统治下的社区, 麦克米伦·谢尔顿生活和工作了一辈子的地方, 这部电影超越了时间和地点, 强调通过沉浸式的归属马赛克将所有事物联系起来的方式, 仪式, 和想象力. 从煤矿长长的阴影中浮现, 《bet8九州登录入口》解开了美丽中的痛苦, 并阐明了人类天生的改变能力. Director Elaine McMillon Sheldon will be at this event to introduce the film and answer audience questions. 这次放映将在雅典娜电影院举行.


根据美国工程师荷马·H·劳伦斯的回忆录《bet8九州登录入口》改编. 西克曼小., 这部电影讲述了四个年轻人的故事, 20世纪50年代末,他在西弗吉尼亚州农村的煤田长大, witness the world-shaking launch of the Sputnik 1 satellite and are inspired to start building rockets of their own, seeking a path to the stars instead of succumbing to the well-worn path that would lead them down into the coal mines. Dr. 艾米·沃尔夫, 俄亥俄州奇利科斯校区的副教授, 会介绍这部电影吗. 这次放映将在雅典娜电影院举行.


西尔维娅, 年轻的电台DJ, 主持“来自家乡的电话”," a weekly radio call-in show in rural Kentucky that sends messages and shouts-out to people incarcerated in prisons throughout Central Appalachia, allowing the inmates and their families to bridge the iron bars of the corrections system and share a much-needed connection. Director 西尔维娅 Ryerson will be at this event to introduce the film and answer audience questions. 这次放映将在雅典娜电影院举行.

Further information about the 《来自丘陵和山谷:阿巴拉契亚的故事” film series can be found on the 雅典娜电影 website:,或直接联系雅典娜电影院:雅典娜电影院导演亚历克斯卡莫迪- kamodya@俄亥俄州.edu,办公室电话:(740)594-7382.
