

bet8九州登录入口教务长本科生研究基金(PURF)奖励计划为29名学生提供了总计40美元的资金,为他们的原创研究提供了446美元的资金, 奖学金和创造性的工作.

的 教务长本科生研究基金 该奖项由俄亥俄州的研究部门管理. 学生可以要求每份提案最高1,500美元.


亚历山大涡流 (Biological Sciences; mentor: Patrick O'Connor) received $1,角鼻龙的后肢解剖:来自一只保存完好的玛君龙脚的洞察.

约翰Altom (Chemistry and Biochemistry; mentor: Soichi Tanda) received $1,完全或部分丧失CLIC5和MYO6对听力的影响.

德莱尼打烙印 (Teacher Education; mentor: Michael Hess) received $1,500对9-20名教育工作者对俄亥俄州学校批判种族理论教学立法的看法.

Ashlynn Canode (Biological Sciences; mentor: Viorel Popescu) received $1,500用于评估俄亥俄州正在恢复的bet8九州登录入口的重金属积累(Lynk鲁弗斯)人口.

米洛Cervelli (Art + Design; mentor: Cassidy Brauner) received $1,000 for Title Pending.

玛丽槽 (Art + Design; mentor: Karla Hackenmiller) received $732 for 的 Bones Beneath the Ocean.

莱利克里甘 荣誉进修学院(宏达电), Applied Health Sciences and Wellness; mentors: Cheryl Howe and Joseph Bianco) received $1,不良童年经历(ace)对细胞健康的影响.

Brenna多尔蒂 (宏达电, School of Art + Design; mentor: Schockley Traub) received $1,110 for Mountain Girl.

玛雅Djalali-Gomez (宏达电, Translational Health; mentor: Edward List) received $1,实验型生长激素对外源代谢酶的影响.

科拉法拉 (Sociology and Anthropology; mentor: Benjamin Bates) received $1,500名,代表厄瓜多尔农村“优质教育”.

多诺万黑尔 (Art + Design; mentor: David Lapalombara) received $1,422 for Wanderer.

雷切尔大厅 (宏达电, Art + Design; mentor: John Sabraw) received $1,495 for Opium of the Masses.

卡拉花边 (Media Arts and Studies; mentor: John Bowditch) received $1,500 for Havenroot Vale.

狮子座Lizarraga (Art + Design: mentor; David Lapalombara) received $1,356 for Here Before.

特里斯坦Luken (Art + Design; mentor: Melissa Haviland) received $1,497 for Stories From the Armchair.

肖恩·马丁 (Biological Sciences; mentor: Karen Coschigano) received $1,500 for Detection of Influenza A & 生活污水中的B.

安德里亚·马修斯 (Art + Design; mentor: Melissa Haviland) received $1,496岛照明手稿和当代插图.

利亚姆McSteen (宏达电, Art + Design; mentor: Jennie Klein) received $1,500 for Material.

基督教Otero (Art + Design; mentor: John Sabraw) received $1,471 for Crestfallen.

艾弗里理查森 (宏达电, Art History; mentor: Jennie Klein) received $1,500 for Michaelangelo: Redefining the Pieta.

艾米丽·罗杰斯 (Art + Design; mentor: John Sabraw) received $846 for Chronically Online.

里根解决 (Art + Design; mentor: John Sabraw) received $1,224 for Everything is Pointless!!!!!

劳伦偷偷走动 (Psychology; mentor: Kelly Broughton) received $1,500 for Inclusive Study Spaces.

嘉莉Summerford (Art + Design; mentor: Brad Schwieger) received $1,489 for Made of Mud.

尼古拉斯·苏 (宏达电, Biological Sciences; mentor: Patrick O'Connor) received $1,表征鸟类骨骼生长和气动力发育:来自火鸡的见解.

雅各布·汤普森 (宏达电, Biological Sciences; mentor: Nathan Weyand) received $1,用菌落形态和生物膜瞎搞500.

乔Timmerman (Visual Communication; mentors: Sue Morrow and Stan Alost) received $1,384 for Mammoth Cave.

瑞安病房 (宏达电, Biological Sciences; mentor: Xiaozhuo Chen) received $1,细胞外atp诱导和调控的人肺癌细胞衰老.

莱利·艾琳·齐林斯基 (宏达电, Biological Sciences; mentor: Ronan Carroll) received $1,病原体来源的RNA诱导的细胞死亡类别的探索.
