
2022-23 总统研究学者 are explorers of human 历史 and scientific discovery

bet8九州登录入口 has named four professors from arts and humanities and life and 生物医学科学 as its 2022-23 总统研究学者:尼尔·伯恩斯坦、罗南·卡罗尔、凯瑟琳·杰利森和帕特里克·奥康纳.

"This year's scholars demonstrate the depth and breadth of our faculty member’s expertise, from historical studies — of Roman emperors and women post the Great Depression — to scientific discoveries — as large as a dinosaur and as small as a strand of RNA,大卫·昆斯说, 负责研究和创意活动的临时副总裁.

The 总统研究学者 awards program is targeted to faculty members who have garnered national and international prominence in research, 奖学金和创造性活动,并有明确的承诺继续, 在研究或创造性活动中有显著的生产力.

每位获奖者将获得3美元奖金,000 to be used at the scholar’s discretion as an honorarium or to support research or creative works.

This year, applications were sought for Life and Biomedical Sciences and Arts and Humanities. 明年, applications will be solicited in the categories of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Physical Sciences and Engineering.



尼尔·W. 伯恩斯坦:把罗马文学和拉丁史诗带给现代观众

在一所只有200多年历史的大学里, 尼尔·W. 伯恩斯坦 研究两千多年前的生活和文学. 剧透警告:爱情故事, 战争和政治比比皆是, 古罗马的情节仍然贯穿于今天的好莱坞大片中.

伯恩斯坦's research focuses on Latin literature from the Roman imperial period — 27 BCE to 476 CE — a period of epic storytelling, 叙事诗歌, 声明式的演讲, 还有很多战争,社会和政治动荡. 伯恩斯坦's translations and analyses help bring this era to life for modern students and scholars.

他的头两本书——”祖先的形象:弗拉维亚史诗中的亲属叙事"和"《bet8九州登录入口》中的伦理、身份与共同体" — examine issues of family and community and ethical and social conflict in the early Roman imperial period. He's also written a book about the tragedy of Hercules, as told by playwright Seneca, as well as a 教科书 帮助拉丁学生读剧本.

最近, 伯恩斯坦 has translated and analyzed the writings of first-century poet and statesman Silius Italicus, 特别是 Punica这是他关于罗马与迦太基战争的12,000行史诗. 他的新书,"亲近六朝Italicus: Punica第九册,是第一部全面的英文评论 Punica 第9章,开始叙述公元前216年8月的坎纳战役. 他在书中的评论考察了罗马在坎纳的惨败, 这是古希腊罗马世界最大规模的战役.

明年1月,伯恩斯坦的新书《克劳狄安全集,提供了对诗人克劳狄翁作品的现代易懂的翻译, 自1922年以来首次以英文出版. 克劳狄翁(公元395-404年)是最后一位伟大的古典拉丁诗人, 他的诗歌对欧洲艺术和文学产生了重大影响.

伯恩斯坦是 古典文学和宗教研究 在文理学院.




罗南·卡罗尔的 team is looking for ways to stop a potent killer, one that is getting adept at resisting antibiotics.

他的实验室里有一组博士后在做研究, 有多个项目的研究生和本科生, 都集中在细菌上 金黄色葡萄球菌, one of the leading causes of infection and death by a microbe in the United States with reports that it could account for between 10,000和15,每年有1000人死亡.

治疗 金黄色葡萄球菌 infection is challenging as the bacteria has acquired resistance to a large number of commonly-used antibiotics. That's why Carroll's lab is exploring how the microbe causes disease so that they can discover new ways to fight it. One aspect of their research is the hundreds of regulatory and small RNAs (sRNAs) that are potential targets for antimicrobial therapy.

卡罗尔已经绘制出了所有已知srna的位置 金黄色葡萄球菌 基因组,从而彻底改变了微生物的sRNA研究. 他的工作, 由美国国立卫生研究院和美国宇航局资助, 导致了许多重要的发现, 包括他实验室里的一个关键. Carroll已经发现了一种叫做Teg41的sRNA,它在如何 金黄色葡萄球菌 产生毒素以及这些毒素如何有效地攻击宿主细胞.

近三分之一的人口已经这样做了 金黄色葡萄球菌 生活在它们的鼻子里, 一个比人体核心温度低3度的环境. Carroll is working with Erin Murphy 在传统骨科医学学院 to study how the shift in temperature from the nose to the bloodstream could affect how RNA-based regulation and protein production might make the microbe more virulent.

卡罗尔是 生物科学 在文理学院 and associate director of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Institute (ITDI).


Dr. 凯瑟琳·杰利森


在媒体中, 凯瑟琳·杰利森 是最常被引用的关于白宫女性的历史学家之一吗. 但她的研究兴趣远离国家权力中心.

一位美国的学者.S. 女人的历史, 杰利森有一个针对农村居民的研究组合, 尤其是女性, 谁帮助建立了美国.S. 20世纪的消费文化. 她的第一本书,”有权掌权:1913-1963年,农业妇女与技术,专注于以农场为基础的消费者. She has published numerous journal articles and book chapters on rural consumers of farm equipment, 家用电器, 商业化的娱乐和消遣, 战时宣传, 批量生产的服装, 以及医疗从业者的产品和服务.

在她的第二本书中,这是我们的日子:美国人与白色婚礼的爱情,1945-2005," Jellison shifts to a largely urban perspective to examine the nation's transition from home-based to big-business weddings.

她的新书手稿, 《阿米什妇女与大萧条,的问题可以追溯到杰利森的乡村出身. She collaborates with co-author Steven Reschly of Truman State University to examine how Depression-era Amish women struck a balance between production and consumption to retain their family farms despite the economic crisis. The quantitative framework for their book involves a massive New Deal consumer study and interviews with 300,在1935年至1936年期间,由美国工资局的雇员进行了调查. Among the women participating in the study were members of the nation's oldest and best-known Amish community — the Old Order Amish of 兰开斯特 County, 宾西法尼亚. 约翰霍普金斯大学出版社将于2023年秋季出版这本书.

杰利森是 历史 艺术与科学学院的主任 中部地区人文中心. 杰利森帮助发现了 农村妇女研究会 最近被任命为农业历史学会会员.




帕特里克·奥康纳 walks where dinosaurs once roamed and puts together the pieces of their environment left behind some 75-66 million years ago.

His research spans from animals alive today to those that existed long ago during the Late Cretaceous Period in Madagascar, 东非和北非, 和南极洲. 他的工作 includes not only describing species new to science but also rigorously interpreting the 生态系统 in which they lived.

Combining expeditionary fieldwork with laboratory- and museum-based comparative biology, O’Connor’s research utilizes multiple approaches to address hypotheses related to the evolution of organisms, 生态系统, 以及在深时间背景下的地球. With continuous funding from the National Science Foundation and the National Geographic Society, 他已经发现并命名了几种新的恐龙, 鳄鱼, and mammals while revealing novel insights about the changing face of the planet over the past 70 million years.

奥康纳对他的研究的热情是由其多学科性质推动的. 他与不同的生物学家和地质学家团队一起工作, 还有艺术家和科学传播者, to contextualize the recovered fossils and characterize past biotas and 生态系统 from some of the most remote places on the planet. 在一起, they paint new pictures of life on Earth on southern hemisphere landmasses immediately preceding the planet's last mass extinction event at the end of the Mesozoic Era.

他的工作是探索生态系统动力学, 动物灭绝, and biotic recovery following mass extinctions is critical for understanding of how organisms fit within their 生态系统 and how 生态系统 respond to large-scale environmental change on the planet.

奥康纳是神经科学和解剖学教授 生物医学科学 在传统骨科医学学院, director of educational programs in the Heritage College Office of 研究 and Grants, 并且是 俄亥俄州生态和进化研究中心.
